Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
2019-87-13 a,b
A: White satin ribbon with rosette of white satin at top. White satin tail extending below rosette, stamped with gold lettering "THE/GREAT/LOOP/RALLY/NOV. 17/1957/UNDER/1600 CC/NAVIGATOR/CHICAGO/REGION/S.C.C.A." Paper label attached to reserve of rosette, with manufacturer's stamp. B: Circular patch for the Sports Car Club of America. Dark blue ground with white lettering, "SPORTS CAR CLUB/OF AMERICA." Appears to be detached from center of rosette.
Transferred from the Lynne Templeton Brickley Papers, LHS Archives, 2019-87-0. Originally included with scrapbook #1.
Date Made
Overall length 12.25", diameter rosette 3.5"; diameter patch 1.875"
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