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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Masonic Medal
Object Number
Gold Masonic medal. Oblong bar across top with decorative ribbon-shaped scroll work. "INDIANAPOLIS IND. SEPT. 1912" stamped in gold. White enamel shied at top with "K.S.H.T.W.S.S.T." in gold. Red enamel bar along bottom of oblong bar with "GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER OF US" in gold on red field. Hanging below is a circular pendant with a gold and red enamel Masonic symbol in center. Around central decoration is a red enamel circular border with "ROYAL ARCH MASONS / WISCONSIN" in gold. Reverse side of pendant stamped with "R.B. LANG, G.H.P. / H.C. CLARK, D.G. H.P. / F.E. NOYES, G.K. / W.A. CLARK, G.S. / D.H. WRIGHT, P.G.H.P.G.H.. TREAS. / W.W. PERRY, G. SEC. / S. WRIGHT, P.G.H.P. / T.J. PERELES, P.G.H.P. / F. AINSWORTH, P.G.H.D." Makers mark. '"ROBBINS CO. / ATTLEBORO, MASS." stamp below.
Date Made
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