Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Hatchel with cover
Object Number
1980-06-3 a,b
A) Hatchel base is if an irregular piece of oak sewn at ends and perforated with small holes into which have been inserted polished iron spikes 2.875 inches long, spiked area is confined to a rectangle 4.625 by 3.125 inches fragments of flax still cling to spikes B) Cover has been fashioned of 4 pieces of pine 0.75 of an inch thick a very rough affair fastened at each corner by 2 wrought iron nails. The top is one piece also fastened at each corner with two wrought nails. The wood is stained and marred on the interior by the spikes- probably made from scrap boarding
Date Made
Hatchel: 8.125 inches by 5 inches. Cover: 5.5 by 5.5 by 3.5 inches, inside dimensions 4.25 by 3.5 inches
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