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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - "Cow #6"
Object Number
Oil on canvas panel painting of a cow, completed in an abstract style. Black and white cow (likely a Holstein) in profile against a white background. Upper part of the cow's body is largely defined by its black markings, with the white areas continuing seamlessly from the white background. The lower parts are more clearly defined using washes of grey paint. Background is completed in white with areas of grey, beige, and black, with brush strokes visible throughout. Painting framed in rectangular wood frame with marbled design. Artist's adhesive label on reverse.
Donated from artist's estate.
Richard Budelis graduated from the Pratt Institute in 1956, and joined the faculty in 1965 (full-time in 1969, tenured in 1974, half-time in 1997). He taught drawing, sculpture, art, and technology, and history of sculpture. His work was included in numerous exhibits, including the Pratt faculty fine art shows. Budelis and his wife had a home in Litchfield.
Date Made
Late 20th century
Overall width 19", height 14.875", depth 0.625"
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