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Wood box with nine sides; formed by three square-shaped segments joined together with a triangular section in the middle. Rough wood panels on the side with lambs tongue molding along the bottom. The lid mirrors the shape of the box and is hinged along the top with two metal hinges. The lid is cut from a single piece of wood, with turned spindle-style pieces attached around the edge. Applied to the top of the lid are carved letter, "M," "G", and "C"; nine small squares of different wood species, and cut pieces forming a triangle at the center. The lid surface is decorated with a grid pattern formed by slightly incised lines. Ink numbers written on the lid reverse refer to the origins of the different wood squares. Written in ink on the bottom of the box, "Made by/Edward G. Clark/1901."
Box donated with a written history describing the different woods used in its construction. Multiple woods are from Litchfield: the body of the box is from the John C. Calhoun Elm (fell in 1898); the letters are from the Lyman Beecher apple tree formerly on the corner of Prospect and North Streets; square #3 is from an oak on the Oliver Wolcott House property; #6 is from an oak on the Tallmadge House property; #7 is from an oak near the former location of the United States Hotel. Other woods are from houses in Torrington, Danbury, New Preston, Winchester, and Washington, Connecticut. Reverse of letter states the box was made for May Grace Clark.
Date Made
Overall length 8.75", width 8.75", height 3"
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