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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Portrait Miniature - Unidentified Man
Object Number
Watercolor on ivory portrait miniature, square. Bust and full face of a young man with brown hair and eyes and short sideburns. Subject is wearing a black coat with white shirt and neck band. Background of white, blue, and salmon. Purchased in square, hinged leather case, set in gold oval frame with red lining (case is a reused daguerreotype case).
Attributed to Daniel Dickinson by seller and one other. Daniel was the younger brother of miniature painter Anson Dickinson. Sometime between 1818 and 1820, Daniel moved to Philadelphia where he painted portrait miniatures and, after 1830, oil portraits. Sources indicate that Dickinson continued portrait painting until the mid-1850s.
Date Made
Miniature Length 3.375", Width 2.75"; Case Length 4.75", Width 3.75", Depth 0.625"
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