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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Print - "Bunnell's Farm"
Object Number
Print entitled "Bunnell's Farm" by Curt Hanson. Landscape scene showing a snowy field with a series of red barns and outbuildings and a white farmhouse in the distance. A large white or silver silo sits behind the barn. A snow-covered road runs along the left side of the field. In the lower-right part of the print is a signature in black lettering, "C W Hanson." Painting completed in a tonalist style. Signed in pencil underneath, from left to right, "9/500," "Bunnell's Farm," and "C W Hanson." Printed label at lower-right of paper, "Cornubia Gallery C 2006."
Purchased from estate of artist.
Curt Hanson painted in Warren, CT, where he lived in Cornubia Hall, a converted church building.
Date Made
Overall height 24", width 27". Unframed.
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