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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Officer's Sash
Object Number
2016-65-5 a,b
Officer's sash issued as part of cadet uniform at West Point. A - Belt component of sash. Crimson/wine colored cotton belt with white cotton interior lining and Velcro at each end. One end is square, the other triangular. Additional strip of Velcro running along belt interior at triangular end. Worn around waist. B - Drape component of sash. Crimson/wine colored cotton fabric with no lining. Fabric folded and sewn to form an 11.5" loop at one end. At the middle, the fabric is sewn together in a square section with a cardboard insert, Velcro square, and thin loop. The sash terminates in two large silk tassels, also in crimson/wine.
Part of West Point cadet uniform worn by donor while attending the USMA, 1981-1985. See 2014-61-1 to 2014-61-4.
Directions for wearing sash: Fold triangular end of belt down towards belt interior and join with Velcro. With the belt interior facing outward, the folded end is passed through the loop on the drape. The remaining belt section is then folded over towards the other end, exposing the square Velcro piece on the drape. The belt then wraps around underneath, with the Velcro on the square end of the belt coming around to join with the square Velcro piece on the drape. This closes the belt loop. The tassel end of the drape then folds over, and is meant to be worn on the outside. The belt can be tightened by pulling on the folded end on the inside.
Date Made
Length A 46", Length B 31.5", Width 2.875"
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