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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Engraving - "National Monument To The Forefathers"
Object Number
Black and white engraving showing a large stone monument. A statue of a woman wearing a robe and holding a book with her other arm lifted above her head, stands atop the monument. On the left is a statue of a seated man in robe holding three books on his lap. A figure of a woman holding a tablet and scroll is opposite the male figure. Several men and women are shown strolling the grounds around the monument. Printed below the composition is "NATIONAL MONUMENT TO THE FOREFATHERS/ THIS MONUMENT TO THE PILGRIMS OF THE MAY-FLOWER,/ IS ERECTED BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, IN GRATEFUL REMEMBRANCE OF THEIR SACRIFICES/ AND SUFFERINGS FOR THE CAUSE OF CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY."
Date Made
Height 18"; Width 12.25"
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