Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Hat Box
Object Number
Oval board box, solid white with brown interior. On the front is a brown paper label. At the center is a shield bearing a lion, placed over laurel wreaths and angled muskets,swords, and halberds. Underneath the shield is a banner with the words "DIEU ET MON DROIT." Written above is "MELVILLE" and below "145 REGENT STREET/LONDON/GUIPPOT DRANYAM NORBOH." Around the edge of the label are a list of sizes, ranging from 6 1/4 to 7 5/8, and the text "NUMBER/TRADE MARK/REGISTERED JULY 25 1876/STYLE."
Among the effects of Margaret Sargent Fisher (Mrs. Samuel Fisher) of Sheldon Tavern.
Guippot, Dranyam and Norboh is believed to have been another hat company, possibly a predecessor to the Melville Hat Company. The American Hatter, Volume 32, included a discussion of the Melville trademark, mentioning that it was "first made for Guippot, Dranyam, and Norboh."
Date Made
Width 10.75", Height 13"
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