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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Swatch, Wallpaper
Object Number
Rectangular wallpaper sample. Background is dark purple with thin green lines making an abstract angular pattern. Thick grey lines overlap the background and from a large diamond pattern. At each corner of the diamond is a brown oval, outlines in one grey and one light blue line. In the center of each oval id a blue and white flower with green leaves and stems. Running behind this pattern is a large diamond pattern made up of thick purple lines. At each corner of the diamonds is a purple diamond with scalloped edges and outlines with a grey line. At the center of each scalloped diamond is a white and blue swan. Wallpaper is smooth to the touch. Labeled "Clarence House, Handprint, copyright MCMLXXXIII."
Wallpaper sample from a decoration job for the Skeie's powder room. This item came in with a larger collection of materials related to interior design projects of Nan F. Heminway
Length 10.375", Width 14"
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