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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Masonic Watch Fob
Object Number
Gold Masonic watch fob shaped like a Maltese cross with crossed swards. Rubies and diamonds set into handles and hilts of swords. Black enamel circle surrounding cross and crown with rubies and diamonds in center. "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES" in gold. Knights helmet on top with gold loop. Reverse side decorated with shite enamel circle in center with broken pillar. "HT WSSTKS" on gold around white enamel. "ST. PAUL'S LODGE No 11 / F. & A.M. MCH 31 1886" engraved on top bar of cross. "DARIUS CHAPTER No 16 / R.A.M. / DEC. 10 - 1891" engraved on right bar of cross. "BUEL COUNCIL No 20 / R & S.M. / FEBY 23 / 183" engraved on bottom bar of cross."CLARK COMMANDERY / No 7 / KNIGHTS TEMPLAR / OCT. 22 - 1909." engraved on left bar of cross."W.G. GRANNISS LITCHFIELD, CONN." engraved on edges of medal.
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