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Collection Record Detail

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Textile Fragments
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Large fragment of checkered tan and brown linen widths sewn together. It is difficult to ascertain the function of this portion. There are worn holes in one end and two sets of holes opposite each other 55” from the end. This may have been a curtain which was held back at a point 55” from the top of the bed. The portion below the holes shows no evidence of being fastened. Except in one corner and there are no additional holes along the side of fabric. Perhaps the top was fastened to a rod or the tester rail. The side showing wear to the head post and the curtain tied back 55” from the top. Part of set of bed hangings including 1970-04-1, 1970-04-2, 1970-04-3, 1970-04-4.
Western, CT
Date Made
Early 19th century.
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