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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Watercolor - "Osborn House"
Object Number
Watercolor on paper landscape done in blues, greens, browns, clacks, and whites. Composition shows a white salt box house with a green roof and brick chimney. A fence surrounds the house and portions off an area to the left of the house that is a grassy yard with a wooden well. Another wooden structure can be seen further to the left and in the distance from the well. Trees can be seen in the background and to the right of the house. Sunflowers are growing in front. The work is mounted on an additional piece of paper. "From, Miss Amy Cross - / To - / Mr. Osborne./ On his ninety first birthday/ Sept - 28 - 1887" written in pencil below painting.
The house depicted in this painting is the birthplace of Myron Osborn, who was born September 28, 1796. The house was built by Captain John Osborn in 1776. It stands about two miles west of Litchfield.
Date Made
Height 15.25"; Width 22"
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