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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Cream pitcher
Object Number
Glazed earthenware cream pitcher used as a toy or play teaware. White ceramic with blue transfer-printed decoration, done in a neo-classical style. Identical Asian-inspired scenes on either side extending above shoulder region, depicting two figures standing in the foreground with two pagodas in the background. Lattice and floral patterns around top rim, with lattice motif on handle and floral motif on interior edge. Hexagonal base. Matches teacups (2015-52-25 a-f) and sugar bowl (2016-52-27 a,b).
Belonged to Margaret Sargent Fisher, wife of Samuel H. Fisher, who grew up in New Haven in the 1870s-1880s. Later displayed in Babbitt home.
Date Made
Height 3", Width 1.625", Length 3.125"
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