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Object Name
G.A.R. Badge
Object Number
G.A.R. blue silk ribbon. Full length ribbon with another shorter piece of blue silk trimmed with gold metallic fringe over lapping front of ribbon. Front of shorter blue ribbon has metal key across top with a gold tassle hanging from each end. Metal padlock hangs from center of key with words "New Britain Conn" Printed on shorter ribbon in gold lettering "No. 11/STANLEY POST/NEW BRITAIN,/CONN" Printed on larger blue ribbon underneath point where gold fringe of shorter ribbon stops "25TH/NATIONAL/G.A.R./ENCAMPMENT/DETRIOT,MICH/AUGUST 3RD TO 8TH/1891" At bottom of ribbon is a piece of wood carved to resemble a nut.
Date Made
9" long x 2 1/2" wide
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