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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Drawing - Rev. Lyman Beecher House
Object Number
Sketch of Lyman Beecher house. View from the road. Fence in front and trees in yard partially obscuring house. Two story house with large pitched roof. Chimney in center of roof. Doorway covered by small proch. Two additional buildings visible on right side of house. Dated in bottom left hand corner "August 10, 1854" and written on bottom of sketch "Sketch of the former residence of/Dr. Lyman Beecher, Litchfield. /Sketched by Geoge B. Bacon." and written on the back of the drawing "George B. Bacon was a brother of Leonard Woolsey Bacon/pastor of the First Congregational Church of Litchfield and son/of Leonard Bacon pastor of Center Church, New Haven/Given to Litchfield Historical Society by/Mary Bacon."
The Lyman Beecher house was built by Elijah Wadsworth in 1775.
Date Made
August 10, 1854
5 3/4" length x 7 1/2" width
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