Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Doll's Tea Set
Object Number
1957-18-0 A - L
Ceramic doll's or miniature tea set - white background, pink horizontal bands around each piece of set with black dots and abstract scrolled deign in gilt. A - Teapot - 3 3/8" high, lighthouse style body shape with 1 1/2" diameter base, ornate handle, curved spout, and feather finial top B - Creamer - 2 1/2" high, fancy handle, wide spout, fat tapered body C - Sugar Bowl with Lid - 2 1/2" high x 1 3/8" diameter of base, 2 handles, feather finial on top of lid D-H - Cups with handle 1 1/8" high I-J - Saucers 2 1/2" diameter K-L - Plates 3 3/4" diameter with painted scenes on center of animals in landscape background
Date Made
19th century
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