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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Military Hat
Object Number
Beaver skin cocked hat; protruding in front and back; fold down center of hat - running around crown - edge of fold trimmed with wide gold ribbon; two pieces of ribbon, together, coming to a point on right side of hat with gold button with eagle design near bottom; at end of protrusions - gold and blue coils with ball; dark brown band and black silk interior; label "N. S. Meyer/1231 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C."
Hat belonged to Rear Admiral Adolphus E. Watson (1878-1949). Admiral Watson graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1899. He was awarded the Naval Cross for his service as executive officer of the U.S.S. Florida during World War I, when Watson was still a captain.
Date Made
17 1/2" long x 6 1/2" wide x 5" high
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