Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Dressing Gown
Object Number
Green satin dressing gown with slightly darker floral print on fabric; trimmed in 1/2" thick black silk ribbon with four thin stripes of black velvet on front; simple round collar; 14 hook fasteners down front to waist at which point the skirt is open to the floor; three of the same black ribbons, first beginning 4" down fromt neck, pointing upwards, each shorter than one before; seven more ribbons continuing pattern 3" down from waist on either side of opening becoming progressively larger; 3/4 length sleeves becoming wider and hanging on slight angle; at sleeve seam at shoulder three black ribbon pointing down; at hem of sleve five black ribbons pointing up; lining of bodice, tan glazed linen with four stays; skirt lined in pink and white printed cotton and finely woven pink cotton with vertical white stripes and dots; hem finished with green binding; right side has seam pocket
worn by donor's grandmother Jane Wadham Stevens
Date Made
ca. 1855
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