Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Nightcap, Camisole, Combination
Object Number
1992-10-31 a,b,c
A: Robins egg blue silk night cap decorated with tan crocheted bands at crown and along bottom edge; satin ribbon laced through top of crocheted band which comes to points of at side that are kept straight with ribbon wrapped wire B: Cream silk camisole; top edge has tape lace; straps are robins egg blue satin ribbon; pearl buttons down front; gathered at bottom with elastic ribbon encased in hem; gathered and closed at top edge of lace with satin ribbon drawstring C: Cream silk combination with crocheted yoke and shoulder straps; crocheted edging on legs; robins egg blue satin ribbon laced through top edge of yoke; yoke decorated top and front with flowers of pink and blue
Date Made
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