Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Epaulets and Box
Object Number
2006-42-6 a-c
A,B: Pair of epaulets. Long oval shape. Three strands of gold colored rope braided and woven together. Blue wool backing wool flap with brass grommet at end. Stamped on flap "Ridabock & Co./149 W. 36th St/New York" C: Black japanned box with hinged lid. Divider running down width of box in center dividing it into two compartments
Worn by Col. Samuel H. Fisher (1867-1957) when he served as judge advocate general on the staff of Gov. Simeon E. Baldwin of CT.
Date Made
A,B: 6" long x 2 1/2" wide C: 5 1/4" long x 6 1/2" wide x 1 1/2" tall
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