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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Pendant with Miniature
Object Number
Pendant encasing watercolor on ivory miniature. Scene of woman in brown dress leaning on anchor, right arm raised and pointing to an inscription of "Hope" above in a banner shape. A ship is visible to the right at the horizon line, with sea and clouds forming the background, and a rocky shore in the foreground. Case is gold with small loop, miniature under glass with beveled edge.
This miniature belonged to Elizabeth Hannah Canfield (Mrs. Frederick Augustus Tallmadge).
The miniature depicts a well-known, late-18th century mezzotint engraving entitled "Hope" and depicting an allegorical female figure. A number of period variations can be seen today, some of which include a verse at the bottom, "Bless’d Hope will surely lend her Aid, / When most of comfort we’re afraid, / Do not despair Tho’ World’s may frown, / For Virtue shall with Joys be Crown’d."
Date Made
1 3/16" x 1 9/16" oval
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