Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - Landscape Scene
Object Number
Oil on canvas landscape scene of wooded lake shore with stream entering from left, over which is a bridge leading to a one story house on the shoreline. Small boat in foreground and a man spreading a sail on shore. Row boat on right with two people. The house has a high roof with what looks like dormers. The front has a door, two windows on right, one on left and it seems to be half timber construction. Frame of carved hickory with gold inset band.
See 1955-20-2, 1952-01-1 for other art and needlework of Almira Collins Giddings who taught art at Miss Pierce's Litchfield Female Academy after having been a student c. 1805. See also the LHS MSS for Delia Storrs letter of 8/3/1822 recounting the Collins family journey westward.
Date Made
ca. 1835
Painting: 18" x 24"; Frame: 23" x 29"
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