Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
1917-05-2 A,B
A - Doll - hand carved wood with jointed arms and legs. The doll is painted black with red and yellow striping to indicate some sort of costume. It has a hard hat nailed on its head. There is a hole in the back between the doll's shoulder blades for a dowel or handle. B - Base - The bottom of the base is cut so the top looks like three waves and is painted blue with red striping. At one end is a white porcelain knob which holds down one end of a paddle which extends out over the base. This is the "floor" on which the doll dances and it vibrates enough to activate the jointed doll.
Date Made
ca. 1863
Doll 8 1/2" (h) Base 14" (l) x 3" (w) x 1 1/2" (d)
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