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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - Landscape of Sharon, Connecticut
Object Number
Oil on canvas painting of a landscape, horizontal plane, high cliffs on the right, a group of three maples on the left, between is a meandering stream. Rolling hills in the background, in the center on a small hill is a white federal style mansion with red roof, white picket fence, a road from the right leads to the house over a small bridge where there is a gate house, sign and horse sheds. There are three swans in the stream.
Ralph Earl was born in Worcester County, Massachusetts to a family of farmers and craftsmen. A Loyalist, Earl refused to fight during the Revolutionary War, eventually fleeing to England and leaving his wife and children. In England, Earl studied in the studio of well-known American artist and expatriate Benjamin West. He returned to America after the war with a new wife and established himself as a portraitist in New York. Alcoholism and growing debt landed Earl in prison from 1786 to 1788. With the aid of New York patrons, he regained his freedom through portrait commissions and settled in Connecticut. His straightforward portraits and occasional landscapes are noted for highlighting the achievements and material wealth of his Connecticut clientele.
Date Made
Painting: 35" x 72"; Frame: 38" x 76"
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