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Coarse brown linen ground with green, black, turquoise, and brown thread. Two series of alphabets. Stitched underneath " Charles Grant born April 25th 1782 Hannah McNeil born July 8th 1785 and were married June 12th 1809 Charles W. Grant bon April 28th 1810 David M. Grant born August 11th 1812 Harriet L. Grant born Septbr 9th 1814 John M Grant bron June 14th 1817 Another alphabet stitched underneath this above family registry. Under this alphabet is stitched: What that charm the eye Soon must these colours fade and die But lo the immortal mind must live And the dread wreck of time survive Followed by the initials "HLG" Added to the right side of the poem in black thread "Charles Grant/died March 10th 1821/aged 38/years"
Date Made
ca. 1825
16 1/2" x 15"
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