Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Cuff Links
Object Number
1954-08-1 a,b
Cuff links originally belonged to John Bissell who emigrated from England to Windsor, CT in 1628. A hard winter followed in which the settlers of Windsor lost a large number of cattle. John when to England to buy and replace the lost livestock. Not having sufficient funds he removed the diamonds from his cuff links and used them for currency. These cuff links John willed to his second son Thomas Bissell who left them to his second son Isaac Bissell who moved to Litchfield and purchased 1/60 of the township. Isaac was also one of the founders of the Litchfield Episcopal Church. Isaac left the cuff links to his second son Zebulon who fought in the Revolutionary War. Zebulon gave them to Benjamin Bissell (son or brother?) who built the red house on Harris Plains for his bride Esther Benton. Benjamin and Esther had 12 children. Their second son Benjamin married Melisaa Post of Canaan, CT. Their second son Benjamin married Betsey Brooker of Torrington, CT. Their second son Benjamin married Margaret Edmondson and they had one child, a son Mac who had no children himself. So the last Benjamin Bissell requested the cuff links be donated to the Historical Society. The donor Mrs. Willard Layton is the niece of this Benjamin Bissell.
Date Made
ca. 1650
1/2" square
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