Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Assorted Pins and Patches
Object Number
1958-06-20 a-k
Collection of World War II era ephemera, associated with Edward A. Raymond of Litchfield, Connecticut. A: 1st Lieutenant's Bar - silver, curved, rectangular shape B: Pair of Captain's bars - silver, square, rectangular shape with hole in center C: Medal bar ribbon issued with European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal. D: Round gold colored pin with torch insignia stamped at center. This is the Torch of Knowledge insignia worn by ROTC cadets. E: Pin of crossed cannons with the number "391." F: Shield-shaped pin with dark blue enameled background with opened book of white with gold trim, with Hebrew lettering across the pages. Written in gold, "LUX ET/VERITAS." This is the coat of arms of Yale University. G: Square pin with red, enameled background. Three windmill arms in gold above gold banner, with text "HONOR BEFORE HONORS." H: Two blue, cloth patches with gold windmill arms. These are shoulder sleeve insignia for the XII (12th) Army Corps, United States Army. I: Patch of olive green with four horizontal, gold stripes. These are Overseas Service Bars meant to be worn on a uniform sleeve. Each bar denoted six months of overseas war service. J: Dog tags of Edward A. Raymond. Two total. Stamped on tags "Edward A. Raymond/0-339955 T41/Dr E H Raymond/Litchfield Conn." K: Military pass issued to Major E. A. Raymond. White with two thin, red stripes diagonally across front, from top left to bottom right. Large blue text, "AF" in center. Pass inserted into plastic sleeve. Pass granted access to Allied Force Headquarters (AFHQ).
Date Made
ca. 1916
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