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Collection Record Detail

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Mother-of-Pearl sticks pierced with floral design and decorated with gilt and black paint on the front. The folded fan leaf is lithographed and then colored and stamped with gilt. Gilt rococo revival decoration at either end of the fan flanks four center scenes, including a man and two women in front of a monument or fountain; a woman and child on a donkey with two other children, three sheep and a dog; a man and a woman with a dog; and a woman with a basket of eggs and two sheep. A central background scene features a lake and a village. The reverse of the fan leaf features the same gold floral design, with a central painted scene of what appears to be a goatherder, his wife, three daughters, and a goat. Chateau-like houses, mountains, lake, and a village make up the background. Two letters appear as a single mark on a monument on the front side, "EP" This may possibly be the gilder or colorists mark.
Other number note - See accession book number VII.
Date Made
10 1/2" high x 20 3/8" wide
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