Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Fish knives and forks
Object Number
1976-33-3 a-l
A-F) Knives: Ivory handles with pointed ends, large blades with engraved work opposite cutting edge - floral design. Top edge fancy end. Hallmarks "JR" "E" in square, star in square, cross in square, "P" in square. 2 knives marked "Sheffield/England" G-L) Forks: Ivory handles with four lines, neck like knives with sand floral engraving in sheild shape. Used by John Bissell and Catherine Marsh Bissell in 1800s in their East Street, Litchfield home (now the Colvocoressess property)
Date Made
ca. 1822
knives 9" long; forks 7 1/2" long
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