Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Grain Winnower
Object Number
Wooden scoop, or "fan" with semi-circular base. The base is made of several thin planks of wood. The rounded edge, made of a single bent piece of wood, has sides attached that rise about 6 in. from the base, creating a scoop. There are two handles attached to the top edge of the scoop sides, one on either side. Nails hold the various components together. Scraps of leather, wood, and iron were used to repair various small holes and worn arease in the bottom and sides of the scoop. These repairs are all old. The stamp "S.MINOR" appears on the underside of the bottom, possibly for Silas or Simeon Minor of Litchfield. Winnowers were used by farmers in areas without threshing mills, to separate the chaff, or husks, of grain.
Date Made
OW: 46 in. x OD: 26 in. x OH: ??
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