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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - Elizabeth Judson Canfield (1732-1801)
Object Number
Bust-Size portrait painted in oval, turned slightly to left, of woman with blue eyes, brown hair. She wears a lace cap which is tied under her chin, and a black silk dress with black fichu trimmed with black lace and white bodice. Also wears a necklace of gold beads.
The portrait has a long-standing attribution to Richard Jennys or (more likely) his son, William Jennys. For similar examples attributed to Jennys, see the portraits of Captain Lazarus and Hannah Bostwick Ruggles sold at Sotheby's in 2008. The Ruggles and Canfields were both New Milford residents. The portrait of Asher Canfield in the Society's collection (1917-04-8), also attributed to Jennys, has stylistic similarities to other attributed pieces.
Elizabeth was born in Woodbury, the daughter of Isaac & Rebecca (Hollister) Judson. She married Samuel Canfield on June 3, 1755. She was the mother of Asher, Ithamar, and Judge Judson Canfield.
Date Made
24" x 19" frame, 26 1/2" x 21 1/2"
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