Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Swatch, Fabric
Object Number
2004-25-136 a,b
Rectangular fabric swatch made of cotton. Fabric is off-white with a mustard colored design on the top and bottom edge. Half tear dropped shapes line the top and bottom edge of a horizontal strip on each edge of the swatch. Swirls come off of each shape, and each shape is filled with small polka dots. Print name is "WMB'G Liner Stripe" and fabric is a Williamsburg Restoration fabric. Marks: Sticker on back with swatch information and manufacturer name.
Swatches for drapery from a decoration job for the Marbledale office in the first National Bank. This item came in with a larger collection of materials related to interior design projects of Nan F. Heminway.
Width: 4 in. Length: 7.5 in.
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