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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - Major Ebenezer Steel Gleason (1769-1808)
Object Number
Oil on canvas of man in 18th century dress - black colored coat with tails, dark vest underneath and white shirt with ruffled neckline and white cravat. There is lace trim at the cuff of his jacket. He stands, facing to the left with his left hand on his hip and his right hand resting on a table located behind him. He has a powdered white wig. There are books on the table behind him. The background is shaded from a darker brown in the upper left hand corner to a lighter brown/gray shade as it moves to the right side of the canvas.
Gleason is the father of Mary Gleason who married Frederick Deming, son of Julius Deming of Litchfield. Mary Gleason was a student at the Litchfield Female Academy.
Date Made
41" long x 37" wide
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