Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Medal and Case
Object Number
1983-04-11 a,b
A: Medal, bar pin in shape of a rifle, gold, two chains hanging from bottom of rifle. Chains attached to gold medal. Round in center with three crown shaped forms extending from top and each side of center. Two different types of gold branches connect three crown shaped pieces together, arching around center circle. Center has three letters stacked on top of each other "C" "B" "S" White enamel edge with words "AMAT VICTORIA CURAM 1897" in gold. Blue and gold striped ribbon also hangs from rifle shaped bar pin. B: Red leather rectangular box lined with blue silk. Clasp on short side. Manufacturers printed in gold on inside of lid "C.B. Wilkinson/49 John St./NY"
Date Made
4 1/4" long x 2 1/2" wide x 3/4" high
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