Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
1911-20-1 A-E
Pot (A, with lid, B) has round base with squared Federal handle and white molded cover over hook spout with white sprigged-on Grecian motifs. Jasper "dip" of dark blue. Top/filter (C) is cylindrical with putti and trees, dome and finial cover with Greek leaf decoration and hole in top of finial. Two perforated stoneware strainers (D,E) inside, and top has a strainer base.
Strainers (D and E) are in LHS collections storage B3, shelf 7, Box 2. Mrs. Vanderpoel donated a teapot 1911-04-14 similar in shape which supposedly came from the Ruggles family.
Date Made
mid-late 19th century
6 1/4"h
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