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Textile Fragments
Object Number
Wood block printed in red, blue, yellow, green, and brown. Arborescent design. Branches emanating from earth adorned with flowers (roses, a sunflower, morning glories, etc...) all rendered in a naturalistic manner and coloring. Also adorned with animals (parrots, a robin, a stork, and goats). 2 goats are to left, a stork to right, and a colorful parrot and robin perch on branches. The fabric is block printed, lined with cotton and trimmed at bottom with 2 pieces of woven tape in red and white sewn together. linen tape is sewn to the head of the fragment diagonally suggesting that this was part of a reefed window curtain. Sides and top have been cut so this must have been part of a larger drapery. The design is more suggestive of a monochrome plate printed textiles of this period in its use of flora and fauna and is undoubtedly an early polychrome attempt to emulate these more elegant plate designs. Curtain of linen and cotton with white cotton lining.
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