Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Collection Box - Cornwall Mission School
Object Number
Rectagular wooden (maple) box, top mitered on three sides to accept sliding lid with coin slit in middle, tin clasp attached to top and attaches over loop on side to accept a lock. Engraved brass lock and key, painted on sides with white ovals with scripture verses. On top "For the/Mission School Cornwall/Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel/to every creature. Inasmuch as ye have/done it unto the lease of these, ye/have done it unto me." On one side "Give, and it shall be given unto you/good measure pressed down and sken/together, and running over, shall man give unto your bosom. Every man as he purposeth in his/heart so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity. There is that scattereth and yet increaseth, and/there is that witholdeth more than is meet/but it tendeth to poverty" On the opposite end, banner hanging from trumpets "Honour the Lord with they/substance. Withhold not/good from him to whom/it is due, when it is in the/power of thine to give/it. Support ye the weak" Another oval painted white with "To do good and to communicate/ - - - - - for with such sacrifice/God is/well pleased. Remember the words of the Lord/Jesus how he said, it is more blessed to give then/to receive. He which soweth, shall reap also/spareingly, and he which soweth boutifully shall reap also/spareingly, and he which soweth boutifully shall/reap also boutifully, for God loveth a/cheerful giver."
The Cornwall Mission School, begun ca. 1817 in South Farms, moved to Cornwall the following year, established for Sandwich Island boys and East Indian and some members of the Chippewa and Cherokee Indian tribes attended the school. It flourished for a few years and gradually dwindled and died.
Date Made
ca. 1820
2 5/16" H x 3" W x 5 3/4" L
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