Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Litchfield Fire Department Hat
Object Number
1993-01-1 B
Stiff brown wool cap with leather bill, strap and sweat band; magenta fabric lining; large stiff fabric label inside - "Helmet Brand Reg. U.S. Trademark J.M. Krause Uniforms Litchfield, Conn" dark blue fabric stripe around body with patch center front above "L.F.D." in silver cord; strap terminates in small brass buttons with "FD" logo, top one missing
Worn by George E. Phelps (1881-1958) who was in the Litchfield Fire Department from 1900-1958. It was donated to the Department by his daughter Gertrude Phelps O'Donnell
Date Made
ca. 1900
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