Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Stringed Instrument Parts
Object Number
1993-06-10 a-i
a: Bridge for violin. Marked "Aubert", wood 1 3/4" wide x 1 1/4" high b-e: 4 keys for tightening strings on larger instruments. Labelled "D" "G" "A" "E" 2 1/2" long x 3/4" wide, ebony f: Mute for violin, marked "[ECHOSLO]" ebony 1 1/2" wide x 1 3/4" high g: Scroll for top of stringed instrument 4 1/4" long x 1 3/4" wide at widest point, base has broken off, has holes for keys, no finish or varnish h: Scroll for top of stringed instrument 13 3/8" long x 1 3/4" wide, no key holes, varnished, for vilonia i: Scroll for top of stringed instrument 15 1/2" long x 2" wide no key holes, varnished, for vilono
These parts wre used by Fred L. Dautrich when he made his stringed instruments. He ordered or purchased these and put them on the instruments - he carved the bodies, scrolls and sometimes the bridges of the instruments.
Date Made
ca. 1920-1930
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