Collections record

Collection Record Detail

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Object Number
Silver bowl with circular foot. Rim of bowl cut in a scalloped decoration. Exterior body of bowl has six separate sections of engraving around the bowl. First section engraved, "May T. Van Winkle/ For twenty years the devoted Treasurer, Counsellor and Friend/ of/ The Litchfield Garden Club/ September 18, 1958." Second engraving reads, "Hildegarde Plehn/ For Outstanding Achievement/ In Conservatoin/ 1972." Third section reads, "Doris Keller Hamlin/ 1975/ Deborah K. Thompson/ 1985." Fourth, "Dorothea DiCecco/ 1996." Fifth, "Marana L. Brooks/ Sharon H.J. Doty." Sixth, "Martha H. Phillips/ 2009."
Date Made
Diameter 10 3/4"
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