Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Medal - George Washington
Object Number
Medal or token recognizing involvement in the "Get out the Vote Campaign" of 1952, awarded by the Freedom's Foundation Inc., Valley Forge, PA, in conjunction with the Boys Scouts of America. Obverse has raised image of a cloaked George Washington holding a cup in his hand, with a forest visible in the background. Raised text "FREEDOMS FOUNDATION INC., VALLEY FORGE, PA/GEORGE WASHINGTON MEDAL." Reverse has raised text "BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA/HONOR RECOGNITION/GET OUT THE VOTE CAMPAIGN/FORWARD ON LIBERTY'S TEAM/1952."
Removed from shadowbox created to commemorate Margery Boyd's life and work. Possibly awarded to her father, Robert H. Boyd.
Date Made
Diameter 1.25"
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