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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Drawing - James Gould
Object Number
Charcoal or graphite portrait, on paper, of Judge James Gould (1770-1838). Head and shoulders portrait of a middle-aged man, facing right and looking front. Man wears a dark robe or jacket with thick lapel, white shirt with ruffle collar, and powdered wig with hair tied back in a dark ribbon. Torso fades below shoulders, with blended charcoal/graphite creating a grey background around portrait.
James Gould studied at the Litchfield Law School in 1795, returning to the school in 1798 to serve as an instructor alongside Tapping Reeve. Gould would become the sole proprietor of the school after Reeve's retirement, from 1820-1833.
Date Made
Mid-nineteenth century
Overall width 15.75", height 20.125"
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