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Off-white sheer cotton handkerchief-style child's bonnet; cotton lace ruffle on two sides; off-white cotton string ties
This bonnet was worn by Oswald W. Marrin Jr, and and made by his mother. Oswald Wright Marrin Jr. (1919-2007) was born in New York City and lived in Litchfield. After graduating from Brown University in 1942 he joined the U.S. Marines. He was discharged in 1946. He worked at Scovill Manufacturing until 1951. He then took over the Marrin Real Estate company, which had been founded by his mother in 1930. He was the borough warden from 1967 to 1976. In 1984, he served on the Litchfield Citizen Advisory Committee which formed the town plan of development. He was a trustee of the Litchfield Historical Society, a member and past president of the Greater Litchfield Preservation Trust and of the Litchfield Country Club, a member of the Sanctum, and charter member of the Rotary Club.
Date Made
c. 1917
length: 6"
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