Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
2021-15-2 a-f
Set of six matching teaspoons made by Reuben Merriman for Lavinia Hosford Woodruff, Litchfield, Connecticut. Silver teaspoons with pointed oval bowl, rounded shoulder, and straight stem widening at handle with rounded tip. Script monogram engraved on each handle, "LW." Maker's mark stamped on reverse of each spoon, "RM," where handle meets stem.
Spoons accompanied by a handwritten note confirming the owners and maker. The note dates the spoons to 1805-1810; however, Lavinia was born in 1802 and Merriman did not start working in Litchfield until 1827, so they were likely made closer to 1830. In addition to silversmithing, he worked as a clock and watchmaker and jeweler.
Date Made
Overall length 6", width 1.125", height 0.5"
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