Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Day Bed with mattress
Object Number
Day bed made of wood frame, turned legs and rails - not uniform - slightly different shapes an dimensions on each turning. Rope strung across base where mattress rests. Mattress made of striped heavy linen in shades of beige. Hand sewn and tufted in center. Stuffed with straw. No nails or screws holding bed together. No visible repair work on piece.
Belonged to Mr. Babbitt's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fisher who lived in Sheldon Tavern on North Street. They called it the "workmen's bed" but they did not believe a work man ever actually slept on it.
Date Made
ca. 1820-1860
21 1/4" high x 25 1/2" wide x 73 1/4" long
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