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The roud base is molded and has a band of cast leaves around foot. The body is straight sided with molded top and bottom and decorated with two narrow bands of gadrooning and a wider hand of leaves like the one around foot. The top has a hinged, domed cover with an acorn finial. The curved spout has a separate, flat cover. The handle is hollow and consists of a large and a small S curve attached to side. Engraved on front is the Talmadge coat of arms with initials "JT" . Engraved on one side "Geo. Clinton Tallmadge/Charles Wm. Talmadge/Theodore B. Talmadge/and/Elizabeth M. Talmadge/have presented this piece of plate to their /Uncle, James Talmadge/as a mark of their affection and gratitude/on his personal kindness/March 1831"
Date Made
13 1/2"H
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