Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Medal - Clara Barton Volunteer Award
Object Number
2016-59-2 a,b
A - Clara Barton Volunteer Award from the American Red Cross, awarded to Margery Boyd. Circular bronze or bronze-colored medal featuring raised likeness of Clara Barton (founder of the Am. Red Cross) on front with raised text "CLARA BARTON/VOLUNTEER AWARD." Reverse features raised text "MERITORIOUS VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP" around edge with Red Cross symbol and raised text "American Red Cross." B - Burgundy velvet case with hinged lid, silk lining, and velvet pillow with impression for medal.
Removed from shadowbox created to commemorate Margery Boyd's life and work.
Date Made
Height 2.625", Width 2.625", Diameter (medal) 1.5"
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