Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Dress and Overdress
Object Number
1978-02-36 a,b
A: Dress - Low square neckline with 1/2 moon insertions of cream net; front opens with snaps on left 2/3 of the way down; trim of neck and main body of dress is a multi-colored striped silk; vertical stripes of greens, yellows, purples; 1/2 way down front is pleated over panel set above three layers of same pleated over panels, going all the way around the front; the sleeves are of a criss crossed black woven silk V'ed in towards chest; 3/4 length with flared pleated cuff of same over pleated cuff of colored material; high round neck on back falling straight to hem B: Overdress - ribbon black collar; criss cross sash front with belt; sleeveless with epaulets; vertical open front panel with slashed side slits; all of black cross weave material
Date Made
ca. 1920s
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